Tuesday, 3 June 2014

AfricaCheck unchecked. Indisputable. Whites are nowhere near as violent in SA.

The mainstream liberal media has made big strides into convincing the people of South Africa and elsewhere that the level of crime in this country is equally balanced between white and black. They went as far as stating that white women has a larger chance of being raped by family members than being raped by someone of a different race.

To this end, an organisation called Africa Check was formed, which is meant to be impartial, but a quick look through their members' personal twitter accounts reveal a different picture of open support of the ANC.

Africa Check and the MSM have gone to great lengths to discredit people like Steve Hofmeyr and Sunette Bridges, citing various sources, but admitting that the government does not keep racial crime statistics.  They admit that most of their research is guess work or deduction.

The one source they could have used that up until 2012 DID keep racial statistics, was the Department of Correctional Services. According to their document 'Inmate General and Racial Composition as on the last day of 2012/03', there were 2214 whites of both genders in jail, 93647 blacks, 24460 coloureds and 702 Asians.

What can we learn from this information? While there are 10 civillian blacks to every 1 civillian white in the country, in jail there are 42 black inmates to every 1 white inmate. Considering that most of the white crimes are financial crimes, the picture for violence looks even bleaker for blacks.

These jail statistics cannot be refuted, as it is supplied officially by the government.  What is also not in dispute is that at least 16500 people of all races are murdered in South Africa each year.  This is the official police figure, although Interpol and the MRC say it is much higher. Considering the ratio of 10 black civillians to 1 white civillian,  if Africa Check and the MSM are correct, crime is balanced, there should be 1650 white MURDERERS every year for the last 20 years, or at least in 20 years 33000 murders commited by whites. Compare this to the total jail figure of 2214 whites for ALL crimes and you will soon find that the statistics favour Steve Hofmeyr and Sunette Bridges.

One can take it one step further. The average murder rate for all races is 45 per day. Considering that ALL white violence make the headlines, is it possible that 4.5 whites commit murder every day?  1642 per year? 32850 over 20 years? Only 2214 in jail for ALL crimes?

Come on MSM and Africa Check. Give it up. Pull the other one. THIS data is indisputable auditable government statistics.

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